Saturday, January 19, 2008

Response to "Women Are Never Front-Runners"

The article “Women Are Never Front-Runners” by Gloria Steinem had quite a few good points and, generally, analyzed the issue fairly. I had never thought of the point that she raised of men feeling as though they are regressing to childhood when they experience strong women because women are still the predominant caregivers in families today. It is a very different theory from most about why sexism exists. While this could be a contributor, I am not sure if I believe that it is one of the key causes. Steinem also brought up the key issue of women in political office being accused of being over-emotional. Even going so far as to applaud Hillary Clinton for being willing to cry, she argued that women need to be less emotional than men to be taken seriously. The stereotype that women let emotions influence their decisions more than men may be a factor in Clinton’s chances of getting elected president. One point, which I was glad to see Steinem raise was that of people who are voting for her simply because she is a woman. Rather than getting elected for the sake of electing a woman, Steinem hopes that people will vote for Clinton because she is a good politician.

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